Chamber № 6


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In a small hospital wing is house number 6 for the mentally ill. In the House live five people, among them fool Moiseyka and former bailiff, Ivan Dmitrievich Gromov. After describing patients author introduces us to Dr. Andrew Efimychev Ragin. When he took office, the hospital was in terrible condition. Hard-core poverty, unsanitary conditions. Ragin took it calmly. He's smart and honest man, but he does not have the will and belief in their right to change lives for the better. Initially, he worked hard, but soon begins to miss and realizes that in such circumstances is meaningless to treat patients. From these arguments casts Ragin case and goes to the hospital is not every day. With a little work, more for appearance, he goes home and reads. Every half-hour drinking a glass of vodka and eating pickles or pickled apples. Then dinner and drinks beer. By evening, usually comes postmaster Michael Averyanitch. The doctor and postmaster are meaningless talk and complain about the future. When the guest leaves, Ragin continues reading. He reads everything, paying half the salary for the books, most of all loves philosophy and history. Reading, feels happy.